Would you really like to know how a Successful Network Marketing Distribution business​ works?

A book and training on the true information of what you need to know and do to become proficient and confident as an owner of a Network Distribution Business, The M5 Strategy.


Would you really like to know how a Successful Network Marketing Distribution business​ works?

A book and training on the true information of what you need to know and do to become proficient and confident as an owner of a Network Distribution Business, The M5 Strategy.

Key Questions Answered on the Training

  • How does this business really work?
  • What are the most important concepts of the business?
  • What is the most important activity of the business?
  • What makes the business real to others?
  • How to talk to others about this business easily?

Network Marketing Distribution Is
All About Effective Communication.

What is done in this business is really no different from what all other businesses do to make their businesses work and what all people who work do to earn a living. However, there’s a huge difference in what you do and the benefits that are available based on our unique Structure Technology

The eBook was written to provide you with the truth about this business of Distribución de Mercadeo en Red, what you need to learn, and what you need to do without any fluff.  It’s all based on communication. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

El Networker Inteligente: Libro Digital

A much-needed fresh perspective on the reality of what it takes. The book is 16 Chapters that cover the core concepts of the business of Network Marketing Distribution.

Por reading the book, you will truly understand the truth and the simplicity of what you need to learn and then what you need to do. Once you have read the eBook, you will want to explore the powerful training program. 

The benefits of what you will learn are similar to the potential of the benefits of what this business model has to offer.

The Smart Networker: Training program

By observation and years of experience, the business was done mostly by trial and error, “go out and make a mess’” and if you were lucky and knew a ton of people, you might become successful, but for most, it was not understanding how it worked or the what to say, and most of the time, the correct activities were never learned or applied.  

In the Training Program, there are eight modules, 17 lessons, and 17 exercises that are designed to teach you exactly what SKILLS you need to learn and then do to make this business of distribution work. Without this information, it’s a giant guessing game.

Click here to watch the free Master Class

Get the Book and Training Bundle and save.

Learn by reading, listening, and doing

  • 17 Specific lessons on the key activities of the business
  • Short 2-7 minute videos
  • Practical Exercises to be done
  • Access to the author by direct email.
  • Access to a vault of Videos on specific topics

By watching and then doing, you will learn what I learned, and then you can gain a true understanding of what SKILLS you need to learn and do to achieve your goals and the results you are going after.  If you have ever wanted to understand “what do you need to do to make this work, well, here it is.

Success history
This is an example for subtitle
Success history
This is an example for subtitle
Dave-circulo-300x300 copia
Dave Rolfe
Lead Facilitator 

Hi, I’m Dave Rolfe, and I will be facilitating these lessons in English for you.  

I’ve been one of the top most successful Network Marketers for the past 33 years, and I am the author now of two books, the first Vested Interest, Making Network Marketing Work for You, published in 1999, and now this one, The Smart Networker.

I have been teaching and training other distributors for years, helping many of them achieve the success they wanted, and developed this program based on actual case studies and also from speaking with those that couldn’t figure out what to do and got frustrated and quit.

I learned that success is learned, and believe me, I am going to give you the knowledge so that you learn and then go after getting what you want.

Gita Pimentel
Lead Facilitator 

Hi, I’m Gita Pimentel, and having translated the book and the training program, this has been an honor and privilege for me. I have more than 14 years of experience in the field of Wellness and Anti-Aging- Longevity, I am a Health and Wellness Journalist and co-author of a Best-Seller on Amazon. I have been a radio and TV host.

I met Dave in the company, that both of us are Independent Distributors.  At the beginning, I was not interested in Network Marketing as a career at all, I was only interested in selling the great products. It was a class that Dave taught that opened my mind to the understanding of the wonders of this business model.  

I am now passionate and committed to share this education. I invite you to learn from a great mentor, someone who has an extraordinary teaching ability and who has the real experience of having built a solid Organization that has become his life’s work.

Let’s start this journey together, and remember to let us know how you’re doing along the way.

Gita Pimentel
Lead Facilitator 

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day